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National Origin Discrimination Lawyer

San Diego National Origin Discrimination Lawyer

If you believe you are a victim of harassment or discrimination on the basis of national origin, contact our San Diego Employment and National Origin Discrimination Attorney today for a consultation. My firm represents employees who experienced harassment or discrimination in the workplace on account of national origin and ancestry.

It is illegal for your employer to discriminate against you on account of your national origin. Title VII & FEHA prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of your national origin. FEHA also prohibits discrimination on the basis of your ancestry which usually means the same thing.

National Origin

National origin means the country where you were born, or, more broadly, the country from which your ancestors came. EEOC defines National origin as the birthplace of individuals or their ancestors, as well as a display of the physical, cultural, or linguistic characteristics of a particular national group. Our San Diego Employment and National Origin Discrimination Attorney can explain your rights in the workplace.

“English-only” policies 

If your employer requires you to speak English at all times on the job, this may constitute discrimination based on national origin. However, your employer may require you to speak English on the job where such a request is (i) justified by business necessity and (ii) the employees have adequate notice of the restriction.

Business Necessity 

An English-only rule is proper where necessary for to safe and efficient operation of the business and no alternative practice will accomplish the business purpose equally as well with less discriminatory impact.


Accent and national origin could be inextricably intertwined. Nonetheless, an adverse employment decision may be based on an individual’s accent if it materially interferes with his or her job performance.


your employer may not make epithets, slurs, or jokes directed toward your national origin or ancestry. National Origin Harassment is no joke. Call our San Diego Employment and National Origin Harassment Attorney to know more about your rights in the workplace.

Do not Accept National Origin Discrimination or Harassment At Work

If you believe you are subject to national origin discrimination or harassment at work, contact our San Diego Employment and National Origin Discrimination Attorney today at 619.202.0264 and set up a consultation. Our San Diego Employment and National Origin Harassment Attorney will help explain your rights in the workplace. You may also contact us online and confidentially discuss your situation. You are entitled to be treated equally with others and not be discriminated against on the basis of your national origin.